1. BURMALDA08.07.2024 в 05:16от

Базы домена ЯНДЕКС!

Тема в разделе "Продам", создана пользователем Angel_by, 26.09.2012.

  1. Angel_by


    33 +/-
    Продам вкусняшки яндекса.
    продажа запрещена

    Цена за 1к, 130р.
    Происхождение: Троян, Стиллер.

    Skype: pavelangel2010
    На гаранта согласен.

    На что чекать:
    Многие покупают первый раз пишу для них чекать на: @steampowered.com, worldoftanks.ru, em.ea.com, 4game, Яндекс деньги, oplata.info, ваучеры в скайпе. Это основное!!!

    Базы прошли проверку) Покупаем)
    П.С, сегодня взял первый раз свои базы прогнал на Яндекс деньги, нашло с базы ( в общей сумме) около 9к
    Добавил онлайн оплата, а сам оффаюсь. Если что в скайп, завтра отвечу.

    На аккаунтах не обещаю игры! Они могут быть пустые как вам попадет.
    Базы покупаете на свой страх и риск, отзывы видите есть и хорошиие, но есть и плохие. С этого момента базы не заменяю, деньги не отдаю. Замена если много невалид.
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 27.09.2012
  2. kein67


    1.967 +/-
    Webmoney: 384103687358
    база проверку прошла

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197994605508
    76561197994605508 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for bsv905@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 919 days ago
    Member since -->> November 30, 2007
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!bsv905@yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    bsv905@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 5
    bsv905@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Episode Two Time in Game 5.6
    bsv905@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2 Time in Game 0.1
    bsv905@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
    bsv905@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
    bsv905@yandex.ru -->> Game: Speedball 2: Tournament

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000721534
    76561198000721534 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for acer3110c@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 313 days ago
    Member since -->> August 22, 2008
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!acer3110c@yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    acer3110c@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 3
    acer3110c@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2
    acer3110c@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
    acer3110c@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003257229
    76561198003257229 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for mark120@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 1180 days ago
    Member since -->> November 25, 2008
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!mark120@yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    mark120@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 2
    mark120@yandex.ru -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Time in Game 188.5
    mark120@yandex.ru -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Beta

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198006421546
    76561198006421546 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for Gizmo701@Yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 1243 days ago
    Member since -->> February 16, 2009
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!Gizmo701@Yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    Gizmo701@Yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 1
    Gizmo701@Yandex.ru -->> Game: F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Time in Game 167.3

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993970095
    76561197993970095 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for kalabaexa !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 1487 days ago
    Member since -->> November 5, 2007
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!kalabaexa -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    kalabaexa !!!!! Games in Account -->> 5
    kalabaexa -->> Game: Day of Defeat: Source Time in Game 19.6
    kalabaexa -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Time in Game 0.5
    kalabaexa -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Beta
    kalabaexa -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
    kalabaexa -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003527730
    76561198003527730 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for koreaduri@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 1394 days ago
    Member since -->> December 1, 2008
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!koreaduri@yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    koreaduri@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 6
    koreaduri@yandex.ru -->> Game: Counter-Strike
    koreaduri@yandex.ru -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
    koreaduri@yandex.ru -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes
    koreaduri@yandex.ru -->> Game: Day of Defeat
    koreaduri@yandex.ru -->> Game: Deathmatch Classic
    koreaduri@yandex.ru -->> Game: Ricochet

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198002082677
    76561198002082677 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for zhe7693@YANDEX.RU !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 1431 days ago
    Member since -->> October 26, 2008
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!zhe7693@YANDEX.RU -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    zhe7693@YANDEX.RU !!!!! Games in Account -->> 6
    zhe7693@YANDEX.RU -->> Game: Counter-Strike
    zhe7693@YANDEX.RU -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
    zhe7693@YANDEX.RU -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes
    zhe7693@YANDEX.RU -->> Game: Day of Defeat
    zhe7693@YANDEX.RU -->> Game: Deathmatch Classic
    zhe7693@YANDEX.RU -->> Game: Ricochet

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198004875844
    76561198004875844 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for le-dol@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 1348 days ago
    Member since -->> January 5, 2009
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!le-dol@yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    le-dol@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 1
    le-dol@yandex.ru -->> Game: Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Time in Game 28.1

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014255120
    76561198014255120 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for lenchik81075@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 1088 days ago
    Member since -->> October 4, 2009
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!lenchik81075@yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    lenchik81075@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 1
    lenchik81075@yandex.ru -->> Game: Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Time in Game 0.6

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014826842
    76561198014826842 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for ZAPASOFF@YANDEX.RU !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 1023 days ago
    Member since -->> October 24, 2009
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!ZAPASOFF@YANDEX.RU -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    ZAPASOFF@YANDEX.RU !!!!! Games in Account -->> 5
    ZAPASOFF@YANDEX.RU -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Time in Game 0.7
    ZAPASOFF@YANDEX.RU -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Beta
    ZAPASOFF@YANDEX.RU -->> Game: Day of Defeat: Source
    ZAPASOFF@YANDEX.RU -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
    ZAPASOFF@YANDEX.RU -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014909462
    76561198014909462 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for Jentose@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 346 days ago
    Member since -->> October 27, 2009
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!Jentose@yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    Jentose@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 3
    Jentose@yandex.ru -->> Game: Total War: SHOGUN 2 Time in Game 24.0
    Jentose@yandex.ru -->> Game: Empire: Total War Time in Game 2.5
    Jentose@yandex.ru -->> Game: Homefront Time in Game 1.2

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197997649213
    76561197997649213 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for vass3982@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 1396 days ago
    Member since -->> March 30, 2008
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!vass3982@yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    vass3982@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 1
    vass3982@yandex.ru -->> Game: Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Time in Game 2.5

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000015750
    76561198000015750 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for nrevan@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 1323 days ago
    Member since -->> July 18, 2008
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!nrevan@yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    nrevan@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 5
    nrevan@yandex.ru -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source
    nrevan@yandex.ru -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Beta
    nrevan@yandex.ru -->> Game: Day of Defeat: Source
    nrevan@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
    nrevan@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198009595266
    76561198009595266 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for shmurigor@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 177 days ago
    Member since -->> May 2, 2009
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!shmurigor@yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    shmurigor@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 1
    shmurigor@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Episode Two Time in Game 0.4

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197991190477
    76561197991190477 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for sma14@Yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 383 days ago
    Member since -->> July 15, 2007
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!sma14@Yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    sma14@Yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 3
    sma14@Yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2 Time in Game 3.9
    sma14@Yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Time in Game 1.8
    sma14@Yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197983599287
    76561197983599287 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for mikhaliou@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 375 days ago
    Member since -->> July 9, 2006
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!mikhaliou@yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    mikhaliou@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 4
    mikhaliou@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Episode One Time in Game 0.5
    mikhaliou@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
    mikhaliou@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
    mikhaliou@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life Deathmatch: Source

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198008767608
    76561198008767608 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for evgenmit@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Member since -->> April 7, 2009
    Steam Rating -->> 1.5
    Playing time -->> 4.9 hrs past 2 weeks
    evgenmit@yandex.ru !!!!! -->> Inventory Game status -->> 1
    evgenmit@yandex.ru -->> Inventory -->> Games: Team Fortress 2 items: 1
    evgenmit@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 9
    evgenmit@yandex.ru -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Time in Game 12.6
    evgenmit@yandex.ru -->> Game: Day of Defeat: Source Time in Game 1.8
    evgenmit@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Lost Coast Time in Game 0.9
    evgenmit@yandex.ru -->> Game: C9 Time in Game 0.7
    evgenmit@yandex.ru -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Beta Time in Game 0.7
    evgenmit@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Time in Game 0.6
    evgenmit@yandex.ru -->> Game: Team Fortress 2 Time in Game 0.6
    evgenmit@yandex.ru -->> Game: Gotham City Impostors: Free To Play Time in Game 0.5
    evgenmit@yandex.ru -->> Game: Age of Chivalry Time in Game 0.1

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198011432026
    76561198011432026 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for olpro85@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 963 days ago
    Member since -->> June 28, 2009
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!olpro85@yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    olpro85@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 1
    olpro85@yandex.ru -->> Game: Left 4 Dead Time in Game 29.2

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972090099
    76561197972090099 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for -=*ХУЛИГАН*=-(37 RUS) !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 1196 days ago
    Member since -->> December 21, 2004
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!-=*ХУЛИГАН*=-(37 RUS) -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    -=*ХУЛИГАН*=-(37 RUS) !!!!! Games in Account -->> 5
    -=*ХУЛИГАН*=-(37 RUS) -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Time in Game 28.6
    -=*ХУЛИГАН*=-(37 RUS) -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Beta
    -=*ХУЛИГАН*=-(37 RUS) -->> Game: Half-Life 2
    -=*ХУЛИГАН*=-(37 RUS) -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
    -=*ХУЛИГАН*=-(37 RUS) -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993606192
    76561197993606192 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for ole68@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 1717 days ago
    Member since -->> October 21, 2007
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!ole68@yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    ole68@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 6
    ole68@yandex.ru -->> Game: Counter-Strike
    ole68@yandex.ru -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
    ole68@yandex.ru -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes
    ole68@yandex.ru -->> Game: Day of Defeat
    ole68@yandex.ru -->> Game: Deathmatch Classic
    ole68@yandex.ru -->> Game: Ricochet

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001286687
    76561198001286687 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for ole26874323@yandex.ru !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 99 days ago
    Member since -->> September 19, 2008
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!ole26874323@yandex.ru -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    ole26874323@yandex.ru !!!!! Games in Account -->> 3
    ole26874323@yandex.ru -->> Game: Dark Messiah Might and Magic Multi-Player
    ole26874323@yandex.ru -->> Game: Dark Messiah Might and Magic Single Player
    ole26874323@yandex.ru -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Episode Two

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071423167
    76561198071423167 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for !!!!!
    !!!!! Profile is HIDE !!!!!
    !!!!! -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    batka1999 !!!!! Games in Account -->> 1
    batka1999 -->> Game: Team Fortress 2 Time in Game 0.2

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071452420
    76561198071452420 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for !!!!!
    !!!!! Profile is HIDE !!!!!
    !!!!! -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    batka1999 !!!!! Games in Account -->> 1
    batka1999 -->> Game: Team Fortress 2 Time in Game 0.6

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198015977169
    76561198015977169 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for !!!!!
    !!!!! Profile is HIDE !!!!!
    !!!!! -->> Inventory Game status -->> 1
    -->> Inventory -->> Games: Team Fortress 2 items: 8
    igrom4ik !!!!! Games in Account -->> 5
    igrom4ik -->> Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Time in Game 35.7
    igrom4ik -->> Game: Team Fortress 2 Time in Game 3.6
    igrom4ik -->> Game: Alien Swarm Time in Game 1.0
    igrom4ik -->> Game: PoxNora Time in Game 0.1
    igrom4ik -->> Game: The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027797122
    76561198027797122 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for !!!!!
    !!!!! Profile is HIDE !!!!!
    !!!!! -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    homobrut !!!!! Games in Account -->> 1
    homobrut -->> Game: Metro 2033 Time in Game 13.7

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050468057
    76561198050468057 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for Administration VAC !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 342 days ago
    Member since -->> October 13, 2011
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    Administration VAC !!!!! -->> Inventory Game status -->> 1
    Administration VAC -->> Inventory -->> Games: Spiral Knights items: 6
    Administration VAC !!!!! Games in Account -->> 1
    Administration VAC -->> Game: Spiral Knights Time in Game 0.1

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061153655
    76561198061153655 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for !!!!!
    !!!!! Profile is HIDE !!!!!
    !!!!! -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    irina-ochig !!!!! Games in Account -->> 2
    irina-ochig -->> Game: Darksiders II Time in Game 26.6
    irina-ochig -->> Game: Serious Sam 3: BFE Time in Game 6.7

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049587923
    76561198049587923 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for !!!!!
    !!!!! Profile is HIDE !!!!!
    !!!!! -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    bezginowa !!!!! Games in Account -->> 2
    bezginowa -->> Game: Order of War Time in Game 6.2
    bezginowa -->> Game: Order of War: Challenge

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039552029
    76561198039552029 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for bessulka !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 31 days ago
    Member since -->> March 19, 2011
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!bessulka -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    bessulka !!!!! Games in Account -->> 1
    bessulka -->> Game: Alien Swarm Time in Game 2.0

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198038525012
    76561198038525012 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for Simagi !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 17 mins ago
    Member since -->> February 22, 2011
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!Simagi -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    Simagi !!!!! Games in Account -->> 13
    Simagi -->> Game: Left 4 Dead 2 Time in Game 77.3
    Simagi -->> Game: Alien Swarm Time in Game 52.0
    Simagi -->> Game: Magicka Time in Game 26.2
    Simagi -->> Game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Multiplayer Time in Game 24.2
    Simagi -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Time in Game 21.3
    Simagi -->> Game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Time in Game 13.6
    Simagi -->> Game: BRINK Time in Game 8.2
    Simagi -->> Game: Portal Time in Game 4.2
    Simagi -->> Game: Day of Defeat: Source Time in Game 1.1
    Simagi -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Time in Game 0.4
    Simagi -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Beta
    Simagi -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
    Simagi -->> Game: Saints Row: The Third

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996520702
    76561197996520702 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for fr0m !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 660 days ago
    Member since -->> February 10, 2008
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!fr0m -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    fr0m !!!!! Games in Account -->> 6
    fr0m -->> Game: Counter-Strike Time in Game 24.8
    fr0m -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
    fr0m -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes
    fr0m -->> Game: Day of Defeat
    fr0m -->> Game: Deathmatch Classic
    fr0m -->> Game: Ricochet

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053002321
    76561198053002321 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for ily197819 !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 15 days ago
    Member since -->> November 19, 2011
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!ily197819 -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    ily197819 !!!!! Games in Account -->> 1
    ily197819 -->> Game: Empire: Total War Time in Game 10.3

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198055682176
    76561198055682176 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for **bazuka**[rus] !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 28 mins ago
    Member since -->> December 27, 2011
    Steam Rating -->> 3.5
    Playing time -->> 11.2 hrs past 2 weeks
    **bazuka**[rus] !!!!! -->> Inventory Game status -->> 2
    **bazuka**[rus] -->> Inventory -->> Games: Team Fortress 2 items: 17
    **bazuka**[rus] -->> Inventory -->> Games: Portal 2 items: 44
    **bazuka**[rus] !!!!! Games in Account -->> 12
    **bazuka**[rus] -->> Game: Portal 2 Time in Game 128.2
    **bazuka**[rus] -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Time in Game 92.7
    **bazuka**[rus] -->> Game: Team Fortress 2 Time in Game 23.8
    **bazuka**[rus] -->> Game: Portal Time in Game 6.8
    **bazuka**[rus] -->> Game: Source Filmmaker Time in Game 0.6
    **bazuka**[rus] -->> Game: Counter-Strike Time in Game 0.3
    **bazuka**[rus] -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
    **bazuka**[rus] -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes
    **bazuka**[rus] -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Beta
    **bazuka**[rus] -->> Game: Day of Defeat
    **bazuka**[rus] -->> Game: Deathmatch Classic
    **bazuka**[rus] -->> Game: Ricochet

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000104135
    76561198000104135 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for !!!!!
    !!!!! Profile is HIDE !!!!!
    !!!!! -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    inster2008 !!!!! Games in Account -->> 5
    inster2008 -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source
    inster2008 -->> Game: Counter-Strike: Source Beta
    inster2008 -->> Game: Day of Defeat: Source
    inster2008 -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
    inster2008 -->> Game: Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

    User Profile Linck -->> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069648055
    76561198069648055 -->> SteamID:
    !!!!! Full Info for beschonov22 !!!!!
    Last Online: -->> 11 days ago
    Member since -->> August 19, 2012
    Steam Rating -->> 0
    Playing time -->> 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    !!!!!beschonov22 -->> Inventory Empty -->> 0
    beschonov22 !!!!! Games in Account -->> 1
    beschonov22 -->> Game: Fallout: New Vegas Time in Game 1.7

    LINK: http://worldoftanks.ru/community/accounts/904268-im_agine/
    ТАНКОВ: 14
    Проведено боёв:488
    Побед:250 (51%)
    Поражений:232 (48%)
    Суммарный опыт:82634
    LINK: http://worldoftanks.ru/community/accounts/6561958-1IRAK1/
    ТАНКОВ: 37
    Проведено боёв:3290
    Побед:1534 (47%)
    Поражений:1714 (52%)
    Суммарный опыт:663344
    LINK: http://worldoftanks.ru/community/accounts/6561958-1IRAK1/
    ТАНКОВ: 37
    Проведено боёв:3290
    Побед:1534 (47%)
    Поражений:1714 (52%)
    Суммарный опыт:663344
    LINK: http://worldoftanks.ru/community/accounts/5290692-Magoruk/
    ТАНКОВ: 18
    Проведено боёв:1172
    Побед:548 (47%)
    Поражений:614 (52%)
    Суммарный опыт:201932
    LINK: http://worldoftanks.ru/community/accounts/6342500-SDFV/
    ТАНКОВ: 11
    Проведено боёв:367
    Побед:160 (44%)
    Поражений:205 (56%)
    Суммарный опыт:51794
    LINK: http://worldoftanks.ru/community/accounts/7049891-_NominationN_/
    ТАНКОВ: 39
    Проведено боёв:1089
    Побед:503 (46%)
    Поражений:572 (53%)
    Суммарный опыт:234153
    LINK: http://worldoftanks.ru/community/accounts/7770673-IGANNA44318/
    ТАНКОВ: 17
    Проведено боёв:807
    Побед:338 (42%)
    Поражений:451 (56%)
    Суммарный опыт:154518

    на ориджин встретил пару акков с бф3

    покупать базу или нет-это только ваше решение,я всего лишь проверяю то что мне дали
  3. Cool007


    48 +/-
    Купил, после чека отпишусь
  4. JusTm1wka!


    809 +/-
    Cкажу одно,цена в 4 раза больше оригинала :]
    А так почты хорошие сам чекаю)
  5. Angel_by


    33 +/-
    хмм) оригинала?) Ты у меня не покупал как бэ :)
  6. Дмитрий_38rus


    736 +/-
    купил 600 почт пошел чекать потом напишу что нарыл :mosking:
  7. Marselle


    1.160 +/-
    С первых проверенных почт могу сказать что база окупится+ будет навар))
    Буду еще брать)
  8. SalerMan


    -15 +/-
    Купил 1к пошел чекать отпишусь!
  9. ikk


    48 +/-
    чето с танками не оч по проверки) 3к боев максимум
  10. SalerMan


    -15 +/-
    Базы нашные!
  11. ALEXtreme


    2.528 +/-
    Купил , чекну - отпишусь .
  12. SalerMan


    -15 +/-
    Есть повторы мыл!
  13. SalerMan


    -15 +/-
    :"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Multiplayer"
    :"Left 4 Dead"
    :"Team Fortress 2"
    :"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2"
    :"Half-Life 2: Episode Two"
    :"Zombie Panic Source"
    :"Alien Swarm"
    :"Half-Life 2: Deathmatch"
    :"Dota 2"
    :"Peggle Extreme"
    :"D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up"
    :"Half-Life 2: Lost Coast"
    :"Half-Life 2"
    :"Half-Life 2: Episode One"

    Сколько такая стоит?
    И это только 192 мыло!
    Чекаю приватом!
    Последнее редактирование: 27.09.2012